mW to dBm轉換器

Power Conversion

mW to dBm Conversion Calculator

dBm is a unit of level used to indicate that a power level is expressed in decibels with reference to one milliwatt (1 mW) as a reference point. In order to work with such a wide range of values, optical power is often represented on logarithmic scale as dBm.

Use the calculator to see the correct conversion from mW to dBm.

Enter power in milliwatts or decibel-milliwatts for the calculator conversion.

1000.000 mW is equal to 30 dBm
100.000 mW is equal to 20 dBm
10.000 mW is equal to 10 dBm
1.000 mW is equal to 0 dBm
0.000 mW is equal to -Infinity dBm

About Optical Power

Math Formulas

mW to dBm

To convert milliwatts (mW) to decibels-milliwatts (dBm), you can use the following formula:

dBm to mW

To convert decibels-milliwatts (dBm) to milliwatts (mW), you can use the following formula:

Common Conversions

mW to dBm

1 mW is 0 dBm
10 mW is 10 dBm
50 mW is 16.990 dbm
100 mW is 20 dBm
200.000 mW is 23.010 dBm

dBm to mW

0 dBm is 1 mW
1 dBm is 1.259 mW
10 dBm is 10 mW
20 dBm is 100 mW
30 dBm to 1000 mW

W to dBm

1 W is 30 dBm
10 W is 40 dBm
100 W is 50 dBm
1000 W is 60 dBm
10,000 W is 70 dBm

Fiber Optics Calculations

Insertion loss formula

In fiber optics, insertion loss (IL) is the loss of optical power caused by adding a passive component like a patch cord, splitter or WDM in your network. For convenience, decibels (dB) are typically used.

The formula for insertion loss is given by:

dBm to mW table

Power (in mW) Power (in dBm)
0.00001 mW -50 dBm
0.0001 mW -40 dBm
0.001 mW -30 dBm
0.01 mW -20 dBm
0.1 mW -10 dBm
1 mW 0 dBm
10 mW 10 dBm
100 mW 20 dBm
1,000 mW 30 dBm
10,000 mW 40 dBm
100,000 mW 60 dBm
1,000,000 mW 70 dBm
10,000,000 mW 80 dBm
100,000,000 mW 90 dBm
1,000,000,000 mW 100 dBm